Reviewer Guidelines

  1. Accept Submission: article is accepted to be published without having revision in substances.
  2. Revision Required: the article with minor revision, article is sent to the writer to be revised (when the writer has sent the revision, article can be accepted to be published)
  3. Resubmit for Review: the article with major revision. After revision is done by the writer, article is resubmitted to the reviewer to be reviewed again ( maximum three times resubmit), If the article is not quite right in substance after the fourth review, then reviewer is allowed to give recommendation as Decline Submission.
  4. Resubmit Elsewhere : in substance, article is considered as less suitable and suggested to be submitted into other journal
  5. Decline Submission: article is rejected by the reviewer to be reviewed with two reasons, (1) reviewer rejects because of a reason (not related to article substances), then the article is sent to another reviewer. (2) rejected article in substance is considered less suitable to be published in journal.