Author Guidelines

Jurnal Keuangan dan Bisnis (JKB)

Jurnal Keuangan dan Bisnis (JKB) is published biannually by the Catholic University Musi Charitas (UKMC) Palembang, in March and October. The journal aims to disseminate research findings to academics and practitioners interested in the fields of finance and business. The scope of articles includes economics, management, and accounting.

JKB accepts only articles with English as the writing language. The article is subject to the guidelines of writing arranged by the editor, where acceptance or rejection is subjective to the editor's evaluation. JKB also states that the highest result of the plagiarism check is 20%, excluding bibliographic data

Article Selection Process

Articles are selected for publication by the editor and peer reviewers through a blind review process. Articles are evaluated based on their compliance with journal publication standards, methodological clarity, and contribution to the advancement of knowledge and practice. The editor and peer reviewers are responsible for providing constructive feedback and, if necessary, providing evaluation results to the authors.

Article Submission

Articles can only be submitted via the JKB Online Journal System (OJS). The journal does not accept submissions via email or direct mail.

Article Submission Guidelines

  1. General Format

    • Articles should be typed with single spacing on A4 paper.
    • Length of the article: 12-15 pages (including 2 pages for references and 10 pages for the main content).
    • Margins: Left and Right 3 cm, Top and Bottom 2.5 cm, Header 1.25 cm, Footer 1.5 cm.
    • Paragraph indentation: 1.25 cm.
  2. Citations and References

    • Citations in the text should be written in parentheses with the author's last name, year without a comma, and page number if necessary.
    • The reference list must only include sources cited in the text.
    • Minimum 30 references, with 80% from journals and 20% from books. Articles should be published within the last 5 years, and books within the last 10 years.
    • All references must include active DOIs and be managed using reference management software such as Mendeley or Zotero.
  3. Article Structure

    • Title: Maximum 12 words. Font size 12, uppercase.
    • Author Names: List all authors without academic titles. Include affiliations (department/program, faculty, university) and email addresses.
    • Abstract: 130-150 words, covering background, approach, and results of the research.
    • Keywords: 3-5 keywords or phrases, separated by semicolons (;).
    • Introduction: Explains background, issues, and research objectives.
    • Literature Review and Hypotheses: Provides a logical framework for developing hypotheses and research models (if applicable) based on the literature used.
    • Research Methodology: Details the population, sample, data, variable measurements, and analytical tools used.
    • Results and Discussion: Presents hypothesis testing results and discusses the findings.
    • Conclusion and Implications: Summarizes the research findings and implications, including research limitations and suggestions for future research.
    • References: Arranged alphabetically with the appropriate format.
  4. Reference Formatting

    • Journal Articles: Guilding, C., Cravens, K.S., & Tayles, M. (2000). An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices. Management Accounting Research, 11(1), 113-135. DOI:10.1016/S1044-5005(00)00004-6
    • Books: Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Los Angeles: Sage. DOI:10.4135/9781483390511
    • Newspaper or Magazine Articles: Daniri, M. A., & Nurani, M. D. (2007). Menuju Standarisasi CSR. Harian Bisnis Indonesia, July 19, 2007, p. 3.
    • Internet Articles: Manurung, A. (2007). Issue Wanita: Berani main saham. Femina Online. Retrieved from on September 2, 2009.
  5. Author Declaration Form (Download here)

    • Authors are required to complete and submit the Author Declaration Form, which includes statements on publication ethics, copyright, plagiarism, conflict of interest, and manuscript suitability.
    • This form must be submitted along with the manuscript via the online journal system. Failure to provide accurate information or comply with the declaration may result in rejection or withdrawal of the manuscript.
  6. Article Withdrawal

    1. Cancellation After Review Assignment

      • Authors who withdraw their submission after the manuscript has been assigned to reviewers will be subject to a cancellation fee. This fee covers administrative and review costs incurred by the journal.
      • The cancellation fee is [amount], which will be invoiced to the author upon withdrawal of the manuscript.
      • Authors who have initiated the review process and then cancel their submission will be responsible for covering the review costs already incurred.
    2. Procedure for Withdrawal

      • To withdraw a manuscript, authors must submit a formal withdrawal request through the journal’s online submission system.
      • The journal will provide a confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal request and detail any applicable fees.
    3. Refund Policy

      • If the manuscript is withdrawn before the review process begins, the journal may offer a partial refund of any associated submission fees.
      • No refunds will be provided for fees related to the review process if the manuscript is withdrawn after the review has been initiated.
    4. Contact Information


Repository Deposit Policy

We encourage authors to deposit versions of their manuscripts in their institutional repositories or other repositories of their choice. Our policy regarding manuscript deposit is as follows:

  1. Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript):

    • Authors are permitted to deposit the accepted version of their manuscript in their institutional repository or other chosen repositories without restriction.
  2. Published Version (Version of Record):

    • Authors may deposit the published version of their article in their repositories after it has been published in our journal. Please note that the published version is the final version that has undergone editing and review.
  3. Submitted Version:

    • Manuscripts submitted for review may be deposited in the authors' chosen repositories, but we recommend depositing the accepted or published version to enhance the broader dissemination of research.


Important Notes

  • All articles must adhere to the established writing guidelines.
  • Articles that do not follow the JKB template will be rejected.
  • The language used in all articles is English.
  • Articles must be submitted with an ethics statement, conflict of interest declaration, and comply with JKB's open access policy, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)